
This is an open-source article with the community providing support for information technology. For official Microsoft content, come across Microsoft 365 documentation.

This guide volition assist users empathize the various options available to import files and information into SharePoint. We cover several different approaches:

Method Type of User
Document Libraries – Drag and drop files and folders End user
Certificate Libraries – Upload files and folders Power user
Certificate Libraries – Copy to and Motility to Ability user
Lists – Consign Spreadsheet to SharePoint Power user
Lists – Import Spreadsheet to SharePoint Power user
Document Libraries – SharePoint Migration Tool Power user
Document Libraries – Sync Power user

Document Libraries – Drag and drop files and folders (User)

SharePoint document libraries support the elevate and driblet of files and folders from figurer to site. With the target site and document library open up:

  • Select the source files / folders.

  • Drag to the site and release.

Drag and drop

  • The upload condition can be monitored using the "Testify progress" button on the document library card.

  • The "Bear witness progress" push will notify you of any errors and when possible provide an intervention.

  • Instance error image shown beneath:

Certificate Libraries – Upload files and folders (User)

Like the elevate and drop of files and folders, SharePoint document libraries also back up the straight uploading files and folders. With the target site and document library open:

  • Click "Upload" and select "Files" or "Binder".

Upload of files and folders from computer to site

The "Files" selection does not permit the uploading of folders. Similarly, the "Folder" selection does not allow files.

  • Select the source files / folders and click "Open".

Upload files

  • The "Show progress" button volition notify you lot of whatever errors and when possible provide an intervention.

Certificate Libraries – Copy to and Movement to (Power user)

SharePoint document libraries support the copying and moving of files / folders to new locations. New locations tin can include a different binder, document library or site, including OneDrive for Business.

The "Copy to" feature will copy the files / folders to the new location while leaving the source files / folders unchanged. With the target site and document library open up:

  • Select the source files / folders and click "Copy to".

Select the source files

  • Select the target location (i.e. "Your OneDrive").

Select the target location

  • Click "Re-create hither" to consummate the file / folder re-create.

  • The "Show progress" button will notify you lot of any errors and when possible provide an intervention.

The "Move to" feature will copy the files / folders to the new location and will movement the source files / folders to the site "Recycle bin". With the target site and document library open:

  • Select the source files / folders and click "Move to".

Source folder

  • Select the target location (i.due east. "Planning" certificate library).

Target location moving files

  • Click the target site (i.e. "Homo Resource" site) and and so click the target document library (i.e. "Planning").

Target site and document library

  • Click "Move here" to consummate the file / folder move.

"Move here" button

  • The "Bear witness progress" button tin also be used to view the progress of a copy or upload performance.

Microsoft Excel supports the exporting of "Tables" from spreadsheets to new SharePoint lists. With the source spreadsheet open:

  • Click "Tabular array Design".

  • Click "Export" and select "Export Table to SharePoint Listing…".

Export Table to SharePoint list...

  • Enter the target "Address"; provide a listing name and click "Adjacent".

Step 1 of 2 - Excel export

  • Review the list design and click "End".

Step 2 of 2 - Excel export

  • Click the URL to view the new SharePoint listing. Click "OK" to exit the export wizard.

Successful Excel export ok screen

  • Example exported list shown beneath:

Successful Excel export list view

SharePoint supports the importing of "Tables" from spreadsheets to new SharePoint lists. From "Site contents":

  • Click "New" and click "List".

  • Click "From Excel"; provide a list proper name; upload a new spreadsheet or select an existing one and click "Next"

Step 1 of 2 - Excel import

  • Select the target "Table" from the spreadsheet; set the column types ("Single line of text", "Multiple lines of text", "Choice", "Championship" or "Do non import") and click "Create"

Step 2 of 2 - Excel import

  • Example imported listing shown beneath:

Successful Excel import

The SharePoint Migration Tool (SPMT) tin be used to import files into SharePoint. SPMT is especially useful when migrating a large volume of documents from a file share. Detailed information about SPMT can be plant on the Download and install the SharePoint Migration Tool page.

From your SPMT reckoner:

  • Open the "SharePoint Migration Tool". Open the SharePoint Migration Tool

  • Click "Start your first migration". Welcome screen

  • Click "File Share". Where's your content screen

  • Click "Cull folder". Select a source screen

  • Select the source file share and click "OK". Browse for folder screen

  • Click "Cull folder" to select a specific sub-folder or click "Next" to go along. Choose folder or click next screen

  • Enter the destination site URL and document library. Click "Next". Select a destination screen

  • Name your migration if desired or click "Next" to go along. Review migration screen

  • Update SPMT settings if required or click "Drift" to proceed. Detailed information on SPMT settings can be on the SharePoint Migration Tool Settings folio. Choose your settings screen

  • Click "Relieve" to shop the migration or click "No thanks" to continue. Save or no thanks

  • The summary screen will provide migration details and reports. Migration details

Document Libraries – Sync (Power user)

SharePoint document libraries back up the syncing of files between computer and site using Microsoft OneDrive. The OneDrive sync app is especially useful when migrating a large volume of documents from computer to SharePoint document library. Detailed information about OneDrive tin can be constitute on the Sync SharePoint files with the new OneDrive sync app page.

With the target site and document library open:

  • Click "Sync".

Document library sync

  • Click "Open up" to the "Getting ready to sync..." prompt.

Getting ready to sync...

  • Confirm you login account proper name and click "Sign in".

Sign in

  • Click "Adjacent".

Your folder

  • Click through the "Welcome to OneDrive" screen and then click "Open my OneDrive binder".

Welcome to OneDrive

Using Windows Explorer, open the source documents folder:

  • Select the source files / folders.

  • Drag to the destination sync certificate library and release.

Drag and drop files and folders

  • Source folder and target document library will become synchronized.

Source and target synchronized

  • See the OneDrive sync app in the organisation tray to view progress and whatsoever sync messages. OneDrive systray

Master author: Norm Young